Janay Rice -- Ray Made a 'Mistake' ... Let Him Play Football! (VIDEO)
Janay Rice Ray Made a 'Mistake' ... Let Him Play Football!

Ray Rice's wife is pissed off that people still consider him a "wife beater" -- insisting he's just someone who made a "mistake," and everyone ... especially NFL execs ... needs to get over it.
Janay Rice told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" the violence the world saw in that elevator "never happened before, and that's not him. He's been made out to be this monster and he's not a wife beater. He's someone who made a mistake, he's human."
Ray also sat down with ESPN, and said he now understands the seriousness of domestic violence. It's what you'd expect him to say (whether or not you believe it) ... as he makes a PR push to get back in the NFL -- but Janay seemed to downplay the infamous incident.
She added, "He's done everything he's supposed to do to redeem himself."
Janay also answered the often asked question -- why she's sticking with Ray. She says it's NOT about money, or fame.