Jerry Heller -- I've Got Two Dates for 'Straight Outta Compton' ... My Lawyers! (VIDEO)
Jerry Heller I've Got Two Dates for 'Straight Outta Compton' ... My Lawyers!!!
Former N.W.A. manager Jerry Heller plans to be front and center when "Straight Outta Compton" premieres this week, but he won't be alone ... he's bringing his lawyers with him!
Heller's been peeved about the movie ever since it was announced ... since he's a big part of N.W.A.'s story -- as champion and then alleged villain -- but has zero involvement with the flick.
Leaving Craig's Monday night in Bev Hills ... Heller, played by Paul Giamatti, sounded excited to see the movie, but only because he might sue if he doesn't like what he sees.
No pressure.