Katt Williams: I Punched That Kid 'Cause He Threatened Me
Katt Williams I Punched That Kid 'Cause He Threatened Me

Katt Williams attacked a kid during an Atlanta soccer match because the kid had gotten all up in his business, and aggressively ... so allege sources connected with the comedian, and new video seems to at least partially support his claim.
Katt punched the boy in Gainesville, outside ATL, and it was caught on video. The boy then pounced on Katt, putting him in a rear naked choke hold.
The first video that surfaced shows the punch but almost nothing before. The new video shows the kid and his buddies following Katt, who sits passively against a wall. The kid seems to challenge Katt, accusing him of talking crap.
It seems Katt is trying to diffuse the situation, but the kid orders him to stand. When Katt gets up, the kid approaches him and gets inches from his face. That's when Katt strikes.
As we reported, cops are investigating the incident.

What's more ... the video that surfaced Wednesday (top) shows Katt punching the kid and then the young man puts Katt in a rear naked choke hold. But check out the video below. Sources connected to Katt tell TMZ they believe it clearly shows the video released Wednesday was altered and the kid actually put Katt in a headlock BEFORE the punch.
When you watch the video above, look closely at Katt's hair, which gets messed up when the kid has him on the ground. Katt's hair is also messed up when he punches the kid.
The kid insists Katt punched him first. It's possible, of course, there was a prior punch not captured on video.