Queens of the Stone Age Singer Josh Homme Destroys Autograph Seeker on Camera
Josh Homme Destroys Autograph Seeker 'You F***ing Loser!'

Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme got into a nasty name-calling exchange with a fan waiting for an autograph, and things nearly got physical.
TMZ got this video of Homme berating the guy -- who says he's a teacher -- Thursday night in Detroit. Homme was leaving an after-party for one his shows, and sources outside tell us the teacher asked for his John Hancock.
We're told Homme thought the guy was just trying to sell autographed memorabilia, and wasn't a real fan. Watch how the singer blew up, calling the guy a "f***ing loser" and a "spoiled mother f***er."
Our sources say the fan replied with a crack about Homme "making money off us buying your $90 tickets and $30 shirts." We're told that's what REALLY fired up Homme.