Charlie Sheen's Infamous Bachelor Pad Up for Sale
Charlie Sheen Infamous Bachelor Pad Up for Sale
Charlie Sheen has a big real estate secret for those who can afford to listen.
We're told he's quietly selling the Bev Hills mansion where he hosted various "goddesses" over the last decade. There were wild parties fueled by drugs and alcohol, and epic sexual escapades.
It's also the house where Charlie's Bentley was famously stolen from the driveway and launched off a cliff.
Charlie bought the house for $7.2 million and is trying to snag $9 mil. He's got a shot ... the house is in one of the most desirable gated communities in the city.
We're told Charlie wants to move not to greener pastures but the bluer surroundings. He's eying places in Malibu, near the home of his parents.