Ric Flair Says Manchester Attack Shouldn't Scare Sports Fans From Going To Live Events
Ric Flair To Sports Fans Don't Fear Terrorists We Gotta Keep Showing Up

Ric Flair says there's one way to beat the cowards responsible for the terrible Manchester Attacks ... SHOW UP ... telling TMZ Sports we can't be afraid to go to big events.
As we reported, the WWE is looking into whether a live event scheduled for June 6 at Manchester Arena will still take place ... saying they were consulting with authorities before making the call.
In the wake of the attack, the NBA and law enforcement has ratcheted up security for the NBA Playoffs ... and that's sure to make some fans wonder if the risk is worth leaving the house.
We talked to Flair in NYC, and he very passionately told us fans HAVE TO continue heading out to live events, because we can't let terrorists intimidate us from living our lives ... which is what they want.
Well said, Naitch.