Jerry Seinfeld Snubs Kesha, Appears to Have No Clue Who She Is
Jerry Seinfeld Who's Kesha?? No Hug for You!
Jerry Seinfeld made it clear he's not down with hugs from random strangers who approach him out of nowhere ... even if they turn out to be Kesha.
LAST NIGHT @KeshaRose found out @JerrySeinfeld is not a #Hugger -- Is it hard to be a non-hugger in 2017?
Jerry was being interviewed Monday during the Night of Laughter & Song at the Kennedy Center, when Kesha strolled up acting like your average "Seinfeld" superfan.
Jerry wasn't having it ... like, at all. It definitely seems like he didn't recognize her as a famous singer.
It's a Soup Nazi worthy diss, for sure. And Kramer, for that matter.