Gonzalez Twin, Dakota, Explains Which Male Athletes Have the Hottest Bods
Gonzalez Twin Here's Who Has the Hottest Bods ... In Male Pro Sports

Dakota Gonzalez definitely has a type as far as hot male bods go -- she's even got a top 3 when it comes to pro athletes in the game right now.
We got one half of the Gonzalez Twins -- the former star college basketball duo -- in Vegas Saturday for the first game of Master P's coed basketball league, and asked who she thought had the best bod in male sports.
Listen up Aaron Gordon, Paul George and Cristiano Ronaldo ... 'cause Dakota's calling you out by name. As for everyone else ... start working on getting cut and bulking up your arms -- that's kinda her thing.
Dakota also says P's league is off to an interesting start regarding the locker room situation. Sounds like it's sticking to the coed aspect in there too.