Tyrese Gibson Patted Down by Bailiffs in Custody Case
Tyrese Patted Down By Bailiffs In Bitter Custody Case
Tyrese Gibson was cornered in a courthouse hallway Thursday by 4 bailiffs who fully patted him down ... this after Tyrese exhibited emotional/irrational behavior on video Wednesday.
Tyrese showed up at the downtown L.A. Courthouse for the custody case that has been going on for more than a week. His ex, Norma Gibson, is trying to get a permanent restraining order against him which would block Tyrese from gaining custody of their 10-year-old daughter, Shayla.

We're told the bailiffs -- all of whom work for the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. -- were concerned that Tyrese might actually bring a weapon to court, so he was pulled aside in the hallway and given the pat down.
Tyrese told the bailiffs, "Yes, I understand" when they told him they need to do the security check.
No weapons were found.