Desiigner Hyped AF at the Royal Rumble, Hollas at WWE's Torrie Wilson!
Desiigner Hyped A.F. at the Royal Rumble ... Hollas at Torrie Wilson!

Move over, Wale -- there's a new WWE superfan rapper, and his name is Desiigner!
Want proof? Check out the "Panda" M.C. at the Royal Rumble in Philly Sunday night ... losing his damn mind with pretty much every Rumble entrant.
The highlights ...
-- Hollerin' at "sexy ass" Torrie Wilson (can't blame him)
-- EXPLODING when Rey Mysterio hit his signature "619"
-- Imitating his friend, Paul Heyman, introducing Brock Lesnar

Fun fact: Desiigner performed at Heyman's son's bar mitzvah a few months back.
Dude clearly loves him some wrestling. Let's get him ringside next time, Vince!!