Diana Ross Says She Felt Violated by NOLA Airport TSA Agent
Diana Ross I Felt Violated by NOLA TSA!!! ... TSA Responds
2:37 PM PT -- TSA has released a statement regarding Diana's uncomfortable pat-down. The agency says, "TSA is committed to ensuring all travelers are treated with respect and courtesy. TSA is aware of concerns presented by Diana Ross about her screening experience at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport this morning.
They continued ... "Initial review of CCTV indicates that the officers involved with Ms. Ross’s screening correctly followed all protocols, however, TSA leadership will continue to investigate the matter further. We encourage Ms. Ross to reach out to TSA so we can work with her directly to address her concerns."
Diana Ross says a TSA agent at a New Orleans airport took a pat-down search too far -- which left her feeling shaken and violated afterward.
The legendary soul singer described her experience early Sunday morning in a string of tweets, explaining that while she's normally treated like royalty in NOLA ... she got the exact opposite treatment at an airport there -- saying, "I was treated like s**t."
OK so on one hand I’m treated like royalty in New Orleans and at the airport I was treated like shit
BTW -- Diana was in town this weekend performing at the Jazz and Heritage Festival, but it sounds like getting there was a nightmare.
Ms. Ross says she's not blaming the airline she flew with -- Delta, apparently -- but instead is pointing the finger at a female TSA agent that conducted an "over the top" pat-down as Diana was going through security. She says it's not what was done ... but how.
Diana says she felt violated by the incident, going on to say she could still feel the woman's hands "between my legs, front and back." She says the agent told her she was just doing her job, but Diana ain't buying that ... presumably feeling the pat-down was too handsy.
She posted a clip of herself performing later in the day and said she was feeling better, but it's clear the TSA moment left its mark. Diana isn't the first celeb to become infuriated with TSA protocol either -- CNN contributor Angela Rye had a testy run-in herself in 2016.
I asked the police officer to film this so I can send to @TSA. I'm hoping my humiliation will fix the system. #TSAVaginaMonologues pic.twitter.com/lypkkcpZCW
Ben Affleck got a handful as well in 2017 ... and even Kim and Kanye got held up one time, which caused quite a ruckus (and an investigation in the process).
It's unclear if Diana is gonna take her complaint up the chain, but ya gotta imagine if her people come calling to take it any further ... the airport's gonna listen.
Originally Published -- 10:54 AM PT