British Actor Adam Bond UK Policy on Coronavirus Dangerous ... I Could Have Killed My Flatmate

A British actor known for playing Jesus in various films has the coronavirus and is extremely upset his country's quarantining rules are putting people at extreme risk.
Adam Bond is in a Malaysian hospital ... he's been there for weeks. Adam was filming his 7th movie in which he plays Jesus.
He must have felt something, because last month he asked to be tested, but he was refused. Adam persisted, and he says producers paid for a private test that came back positive. He was hospitalized, and he's going on 20-days in the facility.
Adam is clear ... he says if he didn't get tested he would have interacted with scores of people while shooting the movie, flown home and possibly infected people on the plane, and then, scariest of all, he has a flatmate with cancer and believes they would have died.
But Adam is most upset with the UK's policy of quarantining for 7 days. He's been in the hospital for 19 days with no clear end in sight.
Malaysia has the most COVID cases in Southeast Asia. Bond says that 2/3 of the cases came from a religious event held at Jamek Mosque in Kuala Lumpur. There were over 16,000 attendees at the four-day event, during which people shared food, prayed together, and lived in close proximity.