President Biden New COVID Likely Ain't That Big a Deal ... But He'll Be Sidelined

President Biden is currently fighting this third bout with COVID-19 -- and while some have speculated it'll mess with his brain power ... one doctor says that's likely not the case.

Here's the deal ... the 81-year-old POTUS was diagnosed with COVID again this week -- and in light of all the scrutiny about his mental acuity ... a fair amount of people have suggested JB could suffer "brain fog" and other symptoms that screw with one's ability to think clearly.


Of course, Biden's already under fire for what many consider mental lapses as it is -- but one expert who's in the field tells us folks need to slow their roll by pre-diagnosing Biden.



Jimmy Fallon crapped on President Joe Biden in his opening monologue -- cracking jokes about the Prez's COVID news ... and questioning if Round 2 in the Oval Office is in store.

The 'Tonight Show' host made some jokes at JB's expense on Thursday's episode -- saying POTUS was lucky he couldn't spread his diagnosis ... especially since Democrats had already been distancing themselves from him after that debate debacle with Trump.

Giovanni Falcone

JF didn't stop there ... adding, "Thankfully, Biden is expected to make a full recovery, and his doctor said that he'll be back to 60% in no time." Obviously, he's referring to questions about Joe's cognitive abilities for a second term.

President Biden Masked Up Post-COVID News ... Headed Home to Delaware

Right after President Biden tested positive for the coronavirus -- he was being whisked away by his team ... and yes, he was wearing a mask ... which you can now see on camera.

Check out this video of the 46th Prez with a face mask over his nose and mouth while being chauffeured in a motorcade after he gave his address Wednesday at the NAACP Convention in Las Vegas.

Giovanni Falcone

It was shot by Giovanni Falcone ... and this was filmed around 3 PM Wednesday, not long after word of Biden's COVID diagnosis went around in the media. We're told he appeared to be heading toward the airport ... which makes sense, 'cause his team said he was going to Delaware.

Violet Affleck Chooses Advocacy Over Acting ... Speaks Before Los Angeles County Board


Violet Affleck isn't just cruising on the success of her famous parents ... she's standing up for what she believes in -- in front of a major local governing body.

The daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner appeared before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, speaking up on an issue near to her heart ... keeping mask mandates in Los Angeles hospitals.

Check out the clip ... the recent high school grad introduces herself before diving into her firsthand experience with a long-term post-viral condition she contracted way back in 2019 -- adding she saw how medicine can't answer all the effects of a virus.

Aaron Rodgers Aparece brevemente en el show de McAfee ... Solo habla de deporte

Volviendo a lo que importa

Aaron Rodgers está de vuelta en el programa de Pat McAfee, solo 24 horas después de que Pat anunciara que el 4x MVP de la NFL había terminado su participación por la temporada, ¡pues el jugador de los Jets hizo una aparición inesperada en las ondas de ESPN!

Pero los chicos se ciñeron a los deportes. Solo discutieron las salidas de Bill Belichick y Nick Saban de los New England y Alabama. No se habló nada de Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Kimmel, Anthony Fauci, COVID-19, o cualquier otro tema candente.

La visita, de unos 5 minutos probablemente, ni siquiera sería noticia si no fuera por el anuncio que McAfee hizo en el programa de ayer, donde dijo: "Los martes de Aaron Rodgers, la temporada 4, se acabó".

Rechazando a Rodgers

Pat continuó explicando que estaba aliviado de que Aaron no volviera más al programa, al menos, durante unos meses.

"Habrá un montón de gente que estará feliz con esto, yo incluido, para ser honestos con ustedes. La forma en que terminó, se puso muy ruidoso. Estoy contento de que no vaya a estar en mis menciones en el futuro, lo cual es una gran noticia".

El anuncio fue recibido con enfado por algunos aficionados, quienes percibieron que McAfee le estaba dando la espalda a Rodgers. La aparición del jueves parece poner fin a cualquier especulación de que Aaron y Pat tengan alguna disputa.

De hecho, Pat abordó algunas de las reacciones (dijo que estaba siendo "absolutamente aplastado") y aparentemente aclaró que Rodgers no iba a unirse los martes porque su temporada de fútbol había terminado y quería disfrutar de su tiempo libre.

Hemos pasado por mucho...

Cuando Aaron se desconectó, Pat comentó su vínculo con Rodgers antes de seguir con su programa.

"¿Sabes por cuántas cosas he pasado con Aaron Rodgers en nuestra corta relación?", dijo.

Aaron Rodgers Makes Brief Appearance On McAfee Show ... Sticks To Sports


Aaron Rodgers is back on the Pat McAfee show ... just about 24 hours after Pat announced the 4x NFL MVP was done for the season, the Jets signal caller made an unannounced appearance on the ESPN airwaves!

But, the guys stuck to sports ... only discussing Bill Belichick and Nick Saban's departures in New England and Alabama. There was no talk of Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Kimmel, Anthony Fauci, COVID-19, or any other hot-button issues.

The 5-ish minute visit would likely not even be newsworthy if not for the announcement that McAfee made on yesterday's show, saying, "Aaron Rodgers' Tuesday, season 4, is done."


Pat went on to explain that he was relieved Aaron wouldn't be back on the show ... for a few months, at least.

“There will be a lot of people who are happy with that, myself included, to be honest with you. The way it ended, it got real loud. I am happy that he’s not going to be in my mentions going forward, which is great news.”


The announcement was met with anger by some fans who perceived McAfee as turning his back on Rodgers. Thursday's appearance would seem to put any speculation to bed that Aaron and Pat have any beef.

In fact, Pat addressed some of the reaction (he said he was getting "absolutely crushed"), seemingly clarifying that Rodgers wasn't going to join on Tuesdays because his football season's over, and he wants to enjoy his time off.


When Aaron logged off, Pat commented on his bond with AR before moving on with his show.

"Do you know how many things I've been through with Aaron Rodgers in our short relationship?"

Mysterious Dog Illness Dog Bounces Back with Covid Drug

A last-ditch attempt to save a dog from a mysterious illness plaguing the nation is seemingly working -- with one vet deciding to prescribe the popular COVID-19 drug intended for humans ... Paxlovid -- and it seemed to work!

The life of a bulldog named Cash -- who was struggling to breathe with inflamed lungs while coughing up blood -- was spared when Doug Swain, D.V.M., a veterinarian at Lyman Vet Clinic in Cass County, Iowa, gave him the antiviral pills.

Dr. Swain tells Iowa news outlet KCCI 8 he made the decision because there was nothing to lose ... adding within days, the dog recovered after being on the brink of death.

Since then, he has continued to prescribe Paxlovid to other dogs battling severe cases of the mysterious illness.

Dr. Swain says he came up with the solution after noticing the owners of the struggling animals had recently been ill with COVID ... and their symptoms were similar to humans.

He adds he put 2 and 2 together when he noticed the affected dogs looked just like he did when he spent 9 days in the ICU after being struck down with COVID.

The American Veterinary Medical Association says the mystery illness in dogs has been reported in at least 14 States. As of now, there's no official treatment, and labs across the nation are working overtime to give an official cause to the disease.

Aaron Rodgers Hey, Travis Kelce ... Let's Debate Covid-19 Vaccine!!!

Aaron Rodgers wants to settle his back-and-forth with "Mr. Pfizer" once and for all ... proposing a star-studded Covid-19 debate with Travis Kelce -- and he wants Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Fauci to get involved!!

As we previously reported, AR8 and the Kansas City Chiefs superstar have been sending playful jabs toward each other over the past week ... ever since the New York Jets coined his new nickname for Kelce on "The Pat McAfee Show."

Rodgers returned for his weekly appearance with McAfee on Tuesday ... and he responded to Kelce claiming the two were in a "vax war."

"This ain't a war, homie," Rodgers told McAfee minutes ago. "This is just conversation. But if you want to have some sort of duel, debate, have me on the podcast, come on the show. Let's have a conversation."

Kansas City Chiefs

The four-time MVP added he wants both sides to pick some backup help for the potential hash-out sesh ... revealing he wants RFK Jr. in his corner, and Kelce can choose Fauci or "some other pharmacrat" as his support.

Of course, a potential debate would surely be popcorn-worthy -- Rodgers and RFK Jr. have been outspoken against the Covid-19 vax, and Kelce and Fauci are strong proponents of getting the jab.

No word on whether Kelce will welcome Rodgers on his "New Heights" podcast ... but if he does, expect fireworks.


Aaron Rodgers quiere zanjar de una vez por todas su tira y afloja con el "Sr. Pfizer" proponiendo un debate estelar sobre la vacuna Covid-19 con Travis Kelce ¡y quiere que participen Robert F. Kennedy Jr. y el Dr. Fauci!

Como informamos anteriormente, AR8 y la superestrella de los Kansas City Chiefs han estado enviándose mensajes el uno al otro durante la semana pasada, desde que los Jets de Nueva York acuñaran su nuevo apodo para Kelce en "The Pat McAfee Show".

Rodgers regresó para su aparición semanal con McAfee el martes y le respondió a Kelce afirmando que los dos estaban en una "guerra de vacunas".

"Esto no es una guerra, homie", dijo Rodgers a McAfee hace minutos. "Esto es solo una conversación. Pero si quieres tener algún tipo debate, recíbeme en el podcast o ven al programa. Tengamos una conversación".

sin daños
Kansas City Chiefs

El cuatro veces MVP agregó que quiere que ambas partes elijan alguna ayuda de respaldo para el potencial debate, revelando que quiere a RFK Jr. en su esquina y que Kelce puede elegir a Fauci o a algún otro "vacuna lover" como su apoyo.

Rodgers y RFK Jr. se han mostrado abiertamente en contra de la vacuna Covid-19 mientras que Kelce y Fauci son firmes defensores de la misma.

No se sabe si Kelce recibirá a Rodgers en su podcast "New Heights", pero si lo hace será todo un acotecimiento.

Travis Kelce Responds To Rodgers' 'Mr. Pfizer' Joke ... Stands By Getting Jab

Kansas City Chiefs

Travis Kelce is taking Aaron Rodgers' playful diss in stride ... admitting he thought it was actually funny when the Jets superstar referred to him as "Mr. Pfizer" earlier this week -- but doubling down on his decision to be a vaccine spokesperson.

Kelce addressed AR8's recent comments on the "Pat McAfee Show" with reporters on Friday ... cracking a few jokes of his own as he discussed the whole ordeal.

"I thought it was pretty good," Kelce said at the Chiefs' facility. "I mean, with the 'stache right now, I look like a guy named Mr. Pfizer. Who knew I'd get into a vax war with Aaron Rodgers, man. Mr. Pfizer versus the Johnson & Johnson family over there."

Of course, Kelce is referring to Jets owner Woody Johnson, who is an heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical company.

Kansas City Chiefs

TK then got real for a second ... explaining his reason for getting the jab.

"I got it because of, you know, keeping myself safe, keeping my family safe, the people in this building. So yeah, I stand by 1000%. Fully comfortable with him calling me Mr. Pfizer."

Kelce -- who celebrated his 34th birthday on Thursday -- was also asked about his recent romance with Taylor Swift and the hype around it ... and he knows he brought all the attention on himself.

"You got a lot of people that care about Taylor and for good reason," Kelce said. "Just gotta keep living and learning and enjoying the moments. At the end of the day, I've always been pretty good with compartmentalizing and being able to stay focused in this building. I'll just keep rollin' with that."

Travis Kelce Responde a Rodgers por broma sobre 'Sr. Pfizer' Firme con la vacuna...

No hay problema...
Kansas City Chiefs

Travis Kelce se tomó con calma la broma de Aaron Rodgers, admitiendo que le pareció muy divertido cuando la superestrella de los Jets se refirió a él como "Sr. Pfizer" a principios de esta semana, al mismo tiempo que reafirmó su decisión de ser portavoz de la vacuna.

Kelce abordó los recientes comentarios de AR8 en el "Pat McAfee Show" el viernes, haciendo algunas bromas mientras discutía sobre lo ocurrido.

"Me pareció muy bueno", dijo Kelce en las instalaciones de los Chiefs. "Quiero decir, con el bigote de ahora, me parezco a alguien que se llame Mr. Pfizer. Quién habría pensado que me iba a meter en una guerra de vacunas con Aaron Rodgers. El Sr. Pfizer contra la familia Johnson & Johnson".

Por supuesto, Kelce se refiere al propietario de los Jets, Woody Johnson, que es heredero de la compañía farmacéutica Johnson & Johnson.

Estoy enfocado
Kansas City Chiefs

Luego Travis se pone serio por un segundo y explica los motivos para tener la vacuna.

"La tengo porque ya sabes, me mantiene a salvo, a mi familia, a la gente en este edificio. Así que sí, la apoyo al 1000%. Totalmente de acuerdo con que me llame Mr. Pfizer".

A Kelce -que celebró su cumpleaños 34 el jueves- también se le preguntó por su reciente romance con Taylor Swift y todo el bombo alrededor de ella, y bueno, él está consciente de que atrajo toda la atención sobre sí mismo.

"Tienes a un montón de personas que se preocupan por Taylor y con justa razón", dijo Kelce. "Solo hay que seguir viviendo y aprendiendo y disfrutando de los momentos. Al final del día, siempre he sido bastante bueno para separar las cosas y he tenido la capacidad de mantener la concentración en este edificio. Voy a seguir así".

Barack, Michelle Obama Cheer On Novak Djokovic At US Open

Barack and Michelle Obama cheered on Novak Djokovic from the front row of the tennis superstar's US Open match Monday night ... an interesting sight -- considering the trio couldn't have been more in disagreement over the COVID vaccine for the past few years.

No. 44 and his wife were spotted clapping after most of the Joker's points in his dominant win over Alexandre Muller at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York.

The match marked the first time Djokovic was able to participate in the famous tournament since 2021 -- as he wasn't allowed to travel to the U.S. last year due to his unwillingness to get the COVID vax.

Of course, the Obamas have staunchly urged people to get the jab since it became available years ago -- even sharing videos of them receiving it back in 2021.

Seems all three were able to put their differences aside Monday night, however ... 'cause it was all smiles from each party throughout the evening.

Hours before Djokovic's big win, the Obamas took in Coco Gauff's match against Laura Siegemund ... and the U.S. star couldn't have been more thrilled about it.

Despite a frustrating match where she argued with officials over the way Siegemund was taking extended breaks between points ... Gauff said her whole mood changed when she got to meet with the Obamas afterward.


"I was like, 'Oh, my God,'" Gauff said, starstruck after their meetup. "I haven't soaked it in because I literally just walked in here. I think I'm going to never forget that moment for the rest of my life. I went from being really upset after a win to, like, being really happy."

She even said the two offered her advice -- and were proud of her for sticking up for herself during her match.

Bray Wyatt Died During Nap ... Wasn't Wearing Doctor-Recommended Heart Defibrillator

WWE superstar Bray Wyatt experienced a series of heart complications in the months leading up to his death, and a doctor-recommended heart defibrillator was not with him when they found his body ... TMZ has learned.

According to law enforcement records, obtained by TMZ, Wyatt -- real name Windham Rotunda -- told his girlfriend he was going to take a nap Thursday, and she became concerned when she heard his alarm going off about an hour later without stopping.

The report says Windham was discovered in his bed, not breathing, and was turning blue. Windham's girlfriend called 911, as her mother attempted CPR ... but he was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

Cops spoke with Windham's immediate family members who said he had COVID in March 2023 and developed heart complications -- causing him to have a "weak lower part of his heart."

In fact, just a week before he died, Windham was hospitalized for a heart issue. He had a follow-up appointment with doctors the morning he died and was advised to continue to wear an external heart defibrillator -- a device designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

Though it's not known if the device would have saved his life, investigators determined Windham was not wearing the defib at the time of his death ... they later located it inside his vehicle parked in the driveway.

He was only 36.

Papoose Succeeding for DJ Kay Slay On-Air ... Big Shoes to Fill, Doin' It For the Culture!!!


DJ Kay Slay's presence as a no-nonsense rap gatekeeper will still be felt ... at least, that's what Papoose is gunning for when he takes over as host of Kay Slay’s “The Drama Hour” radio show this week!!!

Papoose tells TMZ Hip Hop he doesn't logically think he can fill his mentor's shoes, but what he can do is uphold the standards his late mentor revered the most.

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Kay Slay died in April 2022 due to COVID-19 complications and Pap says a piece of hip hop died with him ... but salutes LL Cool J for bringing him onboard Rock The Bells Radio on SiriusXM to attempt to revive the spirit.


LL echoed Pap's sentiments about wanting to uphold hip hop's traditions when we spoke to him this week and Pap says he was a great friend to Kay Slay, even being one of the real ones to attend his funeral.

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Kay Slay will receive an additional honor on August 13 with a street sign renaming in East Harlem, a move Pap tells us is well-deserved.

Real recognizes real — and Pap will be looking mighty familiar in Kay Slay's chair Fridays at 9 PM!!!

Ariana Grande, Dalton Gomez We Couldn't Make it In a Post-Covid World

Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez couldn't make their marriage work in a post-Covid world ... because their lives were vastly different.

Sources connected to the former couple with direct knowledge tell TMZ, when Ariana and Dalton hooked up in 2020, they were everything to each other -- company, romance, support ... all of it.

When Covid restrictions lifted, we're told their differences became alarmingly apparent. Dalton, an L.A. realtor, was taken aback by Ariana's celebrity. He had not dealt with her schedule, the paparazzi and the various opportunities that took her out of L.A.

We're told Dalton would sometimes question why they needed to go around town with security, something that was a must for Ariana.

Their differences started to make the marriage unravel, and it was greatly exacerbated when she went to England last December to begin filming "Wicked."

By January, they were separated, but still on friendly terms. They began living separate lives until May, when they decided to take a shot at it again. That lasted 2 weeks before they both threw in the towel.

Fact is ... we're told Dalton has been dating over the last few months, which was fine with Ariana. Our sources say both Ariana and Dalton were "shocked" no one picked up on the separation until today, when TMZ broke the story they had gone their separate ways and were headed for divorce court.

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Rep. George Santos Report: Intro's Vaccine Bill ... Named After Nicki Minaj?!?

Rep. George Santos is apparently trying to cater to the Barbz -- he just introduced a new bill named after Nicki Minaj that's all about vaccines ... so claims one journo.

Semafor's political reporter Kadia Goba tweeted out some news she says she's privy to -- namely, a piece of legislation the New York congressman has supposedly thrown into the House of Representatives for consideration as a would-be law that bears Nicki's name.

She writes, "Ahem. Rep. George Santos just dropped seven bills in the hopper. Among them, The Minaj Act, named for -- yes, you guessed it -- rapper Nicki Minaj establishes a development period for new vaccines in order to generate public confidence."

We've searched Congress's official site and Rep. Santos's official page, which tracks what bills he's sponsored or co-sponsored, and can't find this new bill anywhere. The House is back in session today, so it's possible Goba got a sneak peek before it hits the system.

The bill would be a fascinating play by the embattled Republican, who's been mired in controversy (stemming from his many lies) from day 1.

Still, he seems to be attempting to curry favor with Nicki's fervent fan base already -- just check Twitter and you'll see they're already loving the move ... and, by extension, Santos. Of course, Nicki's history with vaccine skepticism is well-documented from the pandemic.

Remember, she had a whole ballsy story about her cousin and alleged side effects from the vaccine when they were first being rolled out ... a saga for which she caught a lot of flak.

Now, she's got good old GS in her corner, and she seems to dig this too. She liked a tweet plugging the news. We've reached out to Santos for comment ... no word back yet.

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