Donald Trump Says 'MAGA Loves the Black People'
Donald Trump 'MAGA Loves the Black People'
Donald Trump said something Saturday that is gonna be hard to swallow for millions of Americans ... he said MAGA loves black people.
Trump's statement came just hours after he tweeted with glee how the Secret Service was about to open a can of whup-ass on demonstrators who were confronting authorities near the White House. Trump says the young agents were itchin' for some action, with the help of some vicious attack dogs.
And, the day before he harkened back to a proclamation from another leader back in the 60's ... when the looting starts, the shooting starts.
Trump's comment comes as authorities in Minnesota and other cities suggest some of the protesters may be from the far left, who are trying to discredit the folks who took to the street to express their horror and anger over the killing of George Floyd.