President Trump Sending Soldiers to Shut Down All Riots and Looters
President Trump I'm Sending Military to Shut Down Riots ... But I'm Starting by Teargassing Peaceful Protesters

President Trump says he is the President of law and order, and that's why he's deploying thousands of military troops to shut down rioters and looters ... across the country, if necessary -- but his first action was to have military and police pepper spray and shoot rubber bullets at peaceful protesters.
The President said justice will be served for George Floyd and his family, but in the meantime ... he will not allow the "angry mob" to drown out the peaceful protesters. He said the looting was mostly victimizing peace-loving citizens "in our poorest communities."
Speaking from the White House grounds, he vowed to fight to keep those citizens safe, and then said he is "Your President of law and order, and an ally of all peaceful protesters." Trump then called out local law enforcement for not protecting citizens and small businesses.

As a result, POTUS said he was making a move to shut down "domestic terror," and if Mayors and Governors don't "dominate" the streets, he would step in for them. He said he is mobilizing "thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers" to stop the "wanton destruction of property." Here's the problem -- Trump's wrong on the law. He does NOT have authority to send in troops UNLESS THE GOVERNORS ASK HIM. Governor Cuomo, for one, has already said, "Thanks but no thanks."
Just over 4 minutes into the President's speech ... rubber bullets and pepper spray were being fired on a group of protesters across the street at Lafayette Park -- it almost seemed like a scripted made-for-TV moment. It was also an outrageous overreach, because these were not rioters or vandals ... they were peaceful demonstrators who were showing their disdain for the brutal killing of black men at the foot of the symbol of government. And for that they were shot at and gassed.
It appears law enforcement was trying to clear the area as Trump was making his way to visit D.C.'s historic St. John's Episcopal Church, which was damaged during Sunday night rioting. He bizarrely stood outside the church holding a bible.