Redneck Shows Off New Swastika Face Mask ... Explains Bizarre Rationale
A guy says he's opting to wear a Nazi face mask because if he has to rock one -- he wants to show others where he thinks this country is headed.
This dude's name is Brad Braddock and he took to YouTube to flaunt his swastika face covering, which he said will be his new mask of choice. He goes on this long rant explaining why he's gonna wear it proudly in the COVID era.
We'll let him explain for himself, but if we can try and summarize ... he says he's just complying with the new way of life and rules of society. He goes on and on about how this is a free country, and no one has to do business with him if they don't want to.
He also says people have called him a racist and an anti-Semite -- they may have a point with his fashion choice here -- and that cable news is nothing but commie propaganda.
It's nothing but gibberish really, but his main point ... if America wants to act like a fascist regime and arbitrarily enforce face masks, he's gonna do his own form of protest.
These Nazi symbols are popping up with increasing frequency. Concerned, anyone?