Ontario Cop Brutally Arrests Skateboarder, Slams Face into Pavement
Ontario Cop Brutally Arrests Skateboarder ... Slams Face Into Pavement

A cop in Ontario, Canada viciously attacked a skateboarder who was begging for help, and it's all on video.
20-year-old Skyler Kent had apparently run a red light in front of police, so they pulled him over and he was given a ticket. The officers then went after Kent for a second time, and he was tackled by one of the cops, and that's where the video starts.
You hear Skyler repeatedly scream, "Get off of me!" as he is smothered in cop. The officer implores Skyler to stop resisting, to which he responds ... he's not resisting.
The cop orders Skyler to put his hands behind his back and then puts a taser to his head and warns, "You want this? I'll light you up!"
As bystanders plead for the cop to stop hurting the skateboarder, the cop screams, "Roll on your stomach!" The officer appears to slam the taser at Skyler's head. Another officer then comes and flips Skyler over. The first cop then grabs Skyler's hair and slams his face into the pavement. It's just brutal.
Now get this ... Skyler was charged with causing a disturbance and assault with attempt to resist arrest.
The Police Chief said the cop in question has been "reassigned to alternate duties" pending the outcome of an investigation, adding the video is "concerning."
Sort of an understatement, don't you think?