Celeb Jeweler Ben Baller Offers To Make Aaron Jones Indestructible Piece For Dad's Ashes
Celeb Jeweler Ben Baller I'll Make Aaron Jones A Stout Piece ... For Dad's Ashes

Celeb jeweler Ben Baller says he'll fix Aaron Jones' necklace issues ASAP -- offering to make the Packers star an indestructible piece that'll safely harbor his father's ashes forever.
The 48-year-old said he'd build Jones something similar to a device he already has on his keychain -- explaining the NFL player would never have to worry about losing his priceless contents ever again once he's done with the job.
"Look, Aaron, holler at me bro," Ben said. "Send me a DM. Send me a text. I'll make you one of these joints."
"Screw it on, boom. It's not coming off. You can secure your pops' ashes in there, man."
If you missed it, Jones headed into Monday's Packers vs. Lions game wearing a locket that had his father's ashes in it ... but he lost it at some point during the big win.
Fortunately, Green Bay trainer Bryan "Flea" Engel was able to find it after a frantic search ... though it's now unclear how Jones is going to proceed with the jewelry going forward.
Ben told us if Jones wanted, his contraption could be iced or it could be kept simple with yellow gold or platinum. Baller added he'd secure it all with one of his sturdy chains.
"If they coming off," Ben said, "then the neck is coming off. They're strong. Secure."