Hilary Duff's 3-Year-Old Daughter Without Car Seat While Riding with Friend
Hilary Duff's Daughter 3-Yr-Old Banks Cruising, No Car Seat ... With 'Younger' Costar

Hilary Duff's daughter looked fairly insecure while rolling in the back of a car with her mom's old costar -- which is fueling a lot of anger over what many perceive as an unsafe ride.
Three-year-old Banks Bair was featured in a video posted by actress Molly Bernard, who once starred opposite HD in the show "Younger" a few years back ... and who apparently had Hilary's kid for the day for some sorta playdate.
Right off the bat, fans noticed an apparent problem -- Banks sitting in the back of a car, without any visible car seat or restraint on her. The 3-point harness is behind her in the video, but that, of course, is only intended for older kids and adults.
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The law in California for car seats is pretty simple ... any child under 2 has to be in a car seat -- a rear-facing one at that -- until they're either 40 lbs. or more, or 40 inches or taller. Banks is 3, so the rear-facing part wouldn't apply here.
However, she's still under 8 and not tall enough yet -- so, Banks would have to be in a belt-positioning booster seat or car seat ... and there's no such restraint in the video. Hilary is catching flak as a result. Molly too -- but it's mostly folks mom-shaming Hilary for allowing such an unsafe practice with her own daughter.
Thankfully, everything seems to have turned out just fine -- as Molly posted other photos of Banks from their time together. Still, definitely a wake-up call for next time.