'Winning Time' Actress Pleads With Magic Johnson, Give The Show A Shot!
'Winning Time' Actress Pleads With Magic Johnson Give The Show A Shot!!!

Magic Johnson says he's not tuning in to HBO's new show about the "Showtime" Lakers, but the NBA legend should definitely reconsider -- so says "Winning Time" actress Caitlin O'Connor, who tells TMZ Sports he'd love the series!!
As we previously reported, the 5-time champ told us he was NOT looking forward to Adam McKay's project starring John C. Reilly ... pretty much distancing himself from the entire thing.

But, O'Connor -- who plays legendary Laker fan Dyan Cannon in the series -- is hoping Magic changes his mind ... saying Quincy Isaiah's portrayal of the 3-time MVP is certainly worth a watch.
"I think Quincy Isaiah as Magic Johnson gives an amazing performance," O'Connor said outside Urth Caffe. "He has a smile that lights up a million rooms."
O'Connor even sends a personal message to the legend ... saying, "Magic Johnson, if you're watching this, you should watch 'Winning Time.' It's so funny, it's so fast-paced. Jerry Buss breaks the fourth wall. John C. Reilly does an amazing job on the show. I think that Magic is gonna love it, so I hope that he watches it."
As for her time on the show, O'Connor also says she hasn't met Dyan just yet ... but she'd LOVE to hit up a Laker game with her in the future.
A dynasty begins#WinningTime starts now on @HBOMax pic.twitter.com/gkNRxr46rS
— Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (@winningtimehbo) March 7, 2022 @winningtimehbo
O'Connor says she did a deep dive into everything about Dyan's life to prepare for the role ... and McKay worked tirelessly to make sure the show was done right.
So ... will Magic check it out?? Don't hold your breath -- he's got his own project in the works with Apple TV+ -- but it's clear O'Connor thinks he should give it a shot.