Woman In Blackface Goes On Rant In Colorado Target And Starbucks
Woman In Blackface Terrorizes Target, Starbucks

11:43 AM PT -- The Aurora PD tells TMZ Ersilia Campbell was taken into protective custody -- which usually means someone is unable to take care of themselves.
A woman in blackface showed up at a Target store ... that's outrageous enough, but wait till you hear how she went off the rails.
Ersilia Campbell sauntered into a Target in the Aurora area of Colorado and beelined it for a store employee -- demanding to know where to find the Pride section. The employee explained Pride month was over, and she then suggested the LGBTQ community had hijacked the American flag with the Pride flag.
The employee was clearly taken aback ... Campbell said what she was doing was no different from Lester Holt dressing up for Halloween as Susan Boyle, a white woman.

Her work wasn't done. Campbell also went to a Starbucks, with Trump stickers emblazoned on her shirt as she groused she was fired from the post office.
We did some digging, and found Ersilia apparently got the axe from the P.O. back in February, but she must've caused a similar stink there, because a trespassing notice was posted Tuesday alerting employees to call the Postal Inspection Service if she showed up again.
She ranted against her former coworkers online, calling them "some of the loneliest, miserable, trashiest, lazy people in my life."
Maybe she needs to look in a mirror.
Originally Published -- 7:30 AM PT