Senator Mitch McConnell Heckled by Constituents to Retire
Senator Mitch McConnell Crowd Boos And Demands He Retire

Mitch McConnell -- one of the most powerful politicians in the country -- was drowned out by calls to retire during a speech in Kentucky over the weekend.
The 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader -- who has been battling health issues for several years -- was giving a speech at the Fancy Farm Picnic in his home state of Kentucky Saturday when the crowd turned on him BIG TIME.
Check out the video ... McConnell -- a staunch Republican -- was taunted by his constituents in the heavily red state. For over a minute, people were loudly chanting, "Retire," while booing him.
But McConnell didn't seem to let it bother him as he carried on, finishing his address. The only problem was ... you couldn't hear anything he was saying over all the jeers from the audience.

McConnell has been struggling with health problems, which have spilled out into the open. During a recent press conference, McConnell froze up mid-sentence at a podium and stood there for more than 30 seconds with a blank stare on his face.
In March, he tripped and fell at a Washington D.C. hotel, sending him to the hospital with a concussion.