Drone Finds Missing Girl in Louisiana Woods, Video Shows Rescue
Missing 10-Year-Old Drone Finds Girl Lost In Woods!!!

A 10-year-old girl who vanished into the Louisiana woods is back home with her family, thanks to a thermal imaging drone that tracked her down ... leading to her rescue.
Dramatic new footage shows the moment the drone locates Peyton Saintignan, who police say went missing around 10 PM on Sept. 14 after sleepwalking into the woods near her home in Shreveport.
Peyton's curled up on the forest floor and appears to be sleeping when the drone swoops in and finds her ... with the help of the thermal tech.
The drone relayed Peyton's position to police, and a search party rescued her and reunited her with her family.
The Sheriff says Peyton was missing for a little over 24 hours, and she was found in a dense area of woods about 300 yards from where she'd previously been spotted on a trail camera.
Peyton's search party included several police and government agencies, but the real MVP here is the drone ... and cops say Drone Management Services provided the tech.
The drone company operates out of Arkansas, but the Sheriff says someone at the company heard about the missing girl from their brother-in-law and offered a drone to help.