'Voice' Winner Sundance Head Thought He Was Going To Die After Shooting Himself
Sundance Head I Thought I Was Going To Die ... After Shooting Myself

Sundance Head -- the country singer who won "The Voice" back in 2016 -- says he didn't think he was going to survive after accidentally shooting himself.
The singer-songwriter is speaking out for the first time since Friday's gun incident in Texas and he says ... "I was sure that I was going to die."
Sundance Head says he was bleeding out on the side of the road after accidentally shooting in the stomach ... and he feared he was not going to make it ... until a stranger stopped and helped.

As we reported ... Sundance Head's wife says he went to grab a .22 out of his car when the firearm slipped out of the holster, hit the outside of his Jeep and went off.
The bullet struck Sundance just above his navel and lodged in his fatty tissue ... and while he was airlifted to a hospital, doctors ultimately decided against surgery and left the bullet were it was.
Sundance Head says he's still in a lot of pain, but he has a lot of life left ... and he's thanking everyone who helped keep him alive during the shooting and aftermath.
SH says about a dozen cars passed him on the road while he was bleeding out, with folks making eye contact, but no one stopped until the Good Samaritan came along.
Sundance Head says he "was at the end of the road" before getting help ... and he wants to spend more time with the guy he credits with saving his life.
He's also thanking his fans for their thoughts and prayers.
Sounds like Sundance Head is one lucky son of a gun.