Priscilla Presley -- Bodyguard TAKES DOWN Autograph Seeker [VIDEO]
Priscilla Presley Bodyguard TAKES DOWN Autograph Seeker
Attempting to get Priscilla Presley's autograph came at a very high price for one dude -- as in ... a severe ASS WHOOPING!!
Priscilla was leaving Pantages Theater last night in Hollywood when she stopped to sign autographs for a large group of fans -- but one autograph seeker started arguing with Priscilla's bodyguards ... over the positioning of his photo. Seriously.
The guy actually threatened the bodyguards, saying ... "You damage my property, I'm gonna damage something of yours." A few seconds later the autograph seeker learned the true meaning of damage ... as fists start flying!
The bodyguard makes quick work of the dude -- who was already wearing a leg brace -- taking him down to the ground ... and staying on top of him while the autograph seeker threatens to sue.
Gotta say ... the autograph seeker was pretty mouthy, especially considering he was in a leg brace AND much smaller than the beefy bodyguards. But check the video ... for the takedown and Priscilla's reaction.