Arnold & Maria: 5 Years Later ... We're Still Married!!!
Arnold & Maria 5 Years Later ... We're Still Married!!!
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver have both moved on with their lives since the split in July 2011. He's had a girlfriend for several years, and she's got a boyfriend. He's established a strong bond with 18-year-old son Joseph Baena. She's moved, redecorated, etc. Oh, they're still married.
It's one of the weirdest divorces in memory. They didn't have a prenup and we're told they essentially worked out a property settlement several years ago ... splitting up the estimated $400 million fortune. There have never been any custody issues. The kids are now all adults. Yet neither Maria nor Arnold have done anything to move the divorce past the finish line.
We're told Arnold and Maria haven't really shared why they continue to stay married. There are theories it's too painful for either to walk away from $200 million, but that really doesn't make any sense. There are others who say it's because Maria is super religious and doesn't believe in divorce, but Arnold could still pull the trigger if he wanted.
Our sources say neither is interested in ending the marriage. It just goes on, as they lead separate lives.