Elizabeth Warren Has Warning for Trump On Owning Aviation Safety Record
Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Prez Careful What Ya Take Credit For, Donny!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has no problem with President Trump gloating about the safest year in commercial aviation happening on his watch, but there's a BIG but attached.
The Senator had just flown into D.C.'s Reagan National Airport Wednesday when we got her take on Trump bragging there were zero aviation deaths last year on commercial flights. Trump's nemesis has never been shy about firing back at him, but this time she played it cool.
But like ... the kinda cool that feels like a setup. What she eventually said plays more like a warning to Trump than praise for him.
Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!
As for Meryl Streep calling out Melania and Ivanka Trump for keeping silent on the President's alleged sexual misconduct -- Warren sounds like she's team Meryl. No shocker.