Paige VanZant Chokes Out U.S. Soldier, Puts Him To Sleep
Paige VanZant Chokes Out U.S. Soldier ... Puts Him To Sleep

Yes, this is REAL!!!!!
UFC superstar Paige VanZant was giving a rear naked choke demonstration to U.S. troops during a USO event with Max Holloway ... when she actually CHOKED OUT THE DUDE UNCONSCIOUS!!!
VanZant had selected a volunteer who agreed to let Paige apply the choke in front of a crowd of very excited soldiers.
But, just a few seconds after she began to squeeze, the soldier's lights went out -- and when Paige released the hold, he collapsed to the floor.
Don't worry ... the soldier got right up and appeared to be okay -- even waving to the crowd, which had erupted in cheers!