Toccara Jones Checks Piers Morgan for Body Shaming Tess Holliday
Toccara Jones Tess Can be Big, Beautiful & Healthy ... Check Yourself, Piers!!!

Toccara Jones can't believe Piers Morgan so blatantly body shamed a plus-size model and tried to mask it as a health concern ... saying someone can be big AND healthy.
The ex-"America's Next Top Model" contestant says she's been shamed herself for not having an "ideal" figure, and believes only Tess Holliday knows what's best for her in terms of overall health. Translation: Piers has NO biz wading into a very personal topic for Tess.
And, even if Tess would be considered "unhealthy" by society's standards, Toccara says she's approaching her well-being from a positive place ... which is what really matters.
Bottom line for her ... it's 2018, folks. And body shaming oughta be a thing of the past -- along with antiquated notions of what's healthy and what isn't.