Michael Blackson Defends Kevin Hart, Blames Academy for Not Doing its Homework
Michael Blackson Academy Knew Kevin Hart's Past ... BS If They Didn't Check!!

Michael Blackson's got a few interesting points about the fallout from Kevin Hart being chosen to host the Oscars, but he's certain, no matter what ... Kevin's gonna be just fine.
We got the comedian outside Boulevard3 in Hollywood Thursday night and asked about Kevin stepping down from hosting after being slammed for old homophobic tweets.
Blackson goes to bat for his buddy (they're back on good terms), telling us all black comics have said offensive things in the past -- even the legends -- and the Academy should have been well aware of that.
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Blackson says the Oscars is just as at fault for this debacle, because it either offered Hart the job without looking up his past ... or ignored it. Either way, Mike feels Kev's response should have been enough to remedy the situation ... but no such luck.
The Ghanaian native also points out there was actually one perfect black comedian who never said anything wrong, and well ... look where he's at now.
Anyway, Michael's not worried about his friend ... because he says Hart's still rich and doesn't need the hosting gig.
Blackson on the other hand ...