Jordyn Woods' Mother Elizabeth Talks 'Silver Lining' Over Kylie Jenner Fallout
Jordyn Woods Mother Talks 'Silver Lining' Over Kylie Jenner Fallout
Jordyn Woods and her mom, Elizabeth, stopped dead in their tracks with the question ... what's the silver lining over the whole Tristan/Khloe/Kylie mess?
We got the mother/daughter team Friday at LAX, and you can see Jordyn process the question and it's almost like she wants to answer but thinks the safest way to go is silence.
Momager Elizabeth is chattier ... heaping praise on Kris Jenner, proclaiming love for everyone and then addressing the silver lining question. Sounds like she's saying it gave them a greater connection to God.
The Kardashians have not budged after what they view is a deal-breaking betrayal.
Whatever works, right?