Tunnel Boy in 'Phantoms' 'Memba Him?!
Tunnel Boy in 'Phantoms' 'Memba Him?!
Boulder, Colorado-born Lucas Elliot Eberl was only 12 years old when he manifested into the role of Tunnel Boy -- who was the last incarnation of the Ancient Enemy before being wiped out by the bio-engineered bacteria -- in the 1998 freaky film adaptation of the Dean Koontz book, "Phantoms."
Lucas Elliot Eberl starred in the creepy flick alongside stars like Peter O'Toole as the super-smart Dr. Tomothy Flyte, Joanna Going and Rose McGowan as the sisters in distress, Lisa and Dr. Jennifer Pailey ... and, of course, Ben Affleck as the sharp-shooting sheriff who saves the day, Sheriff Bryce Hammond.
Guess what he looks like now at 33 years old!