Reagan Presidential Library Fellow Members, Help Us If Ya Can We're Bleeding Money!!!
Ronald Reagan's Presidential Library and Museum is losing hundreds of thousands during the pandemic lockdown -- so it wants the public to extend a helping hand ... filled with cash, preferably.
It's a pretty sad situation, actually -- a letter was recently sent to all museum members, asking for some help during the coronavirus-mandated shutdown. The Library's doors have been closed since March 13.
The letter, obtained by TMZ, says it bluntly -- the library is bleeding cash daily, about $150k per week.
Give it a read ... the library's executive director, John Heubusch, says without its usual flow of visitors and revenue from ticket sales and on-site vendors ... it just can't stay afloat for much longer.
The library, which notes it receives zero federal funding, says any size donation from members would be greatly appreciated right now.
They're serious about all donations being helpful -- the low-end suggested pledges are $10, $15 and $20.