Pastor Tony Spell Defies Law and Holds Church Service With Ankle Monitor
Pastor Tony Spell Defies Law Wearing Ankle Bracelet ... SUNDAY SERVICE PACKED

Reverend Tony Spell is flirting with death yet again ... because he's defied authorities again and jammed people into his church ... despite being on house arrest.
Spell displayed his ankle bracelet to his congregation, saying it was a cryin' shame that people have to "hide." Unlike most responsible religious leaders he has not been performing services virtually.
Shockingly, Spell blurted out that his congregation is practicing social distancing because if they were not self-quarantined in the same house they were told not to touch. That's NOT social distancing. It means PHYSICALLY being at least 6-feet away, which they weren't.
As for that pesky problem that Spell was arrested for allegedly trying to run over a protester and placed on home confinement ... well, Baton Rouge Central Police Chief Roger Corcoran tells TMZ, "It will now be up to a judge on whether he's picked up or not, and what his punishment will be."
One thing's clear ... Spell will continue defying the law, doctors and scientists as he puts his entire congregation at risk, in a state where the coronavirus has exploded and caused misery and death.
Chief Corcoran says ... "It's a blatant disrespect to the law and to the judge's order. It's further proof Tony Spell is out for himself and has no respect for the law."
And, it gets bats**t crazier ... there's a protest scheduled Monday outside the PD to protest the "unconstitutional arrest of Tony Spell" ... organized by TV evangelist Joshua Feuerstein.
It's not as simple as saying if they want to die then that's their right, because as we learned in other states ... one massive event like spring break or even a funeral can cause a cataclysmic outbreak.