Nebraska Man Pitches City Council on Renaming 'Boneless Chicken Wings'
Nebraska Man Pitches City Council ... Lose 'Boneless Chicken Wings'

A Nebraska man had a helluva pitch for his local City Council leaders -- making no bones about the fact that so-called "boneless" chicken wings are the scourge of society.
This is a real thing that recently went down in Lincoln, NE -- where a well-to-do citizen, Ander Christensen, got up during the public comment section to air his grievances about this widespread problem that he felt was ruining a way of life for Americans.
At first, it sounds like he's talking about a major social issue -- like LGBT rights, racism or something -- but instead, he pivots to poultry ... as in chicken wings. Watch for yourself.
The man gave a passionate speech about how the phrase "boneless chicken wings" absolutely must be retired in Lincoln, across menus from all over the city's many restaurants. Why??? Because he says it's a bald-faced lie, straight up.
He makes some great points -- basically, boneless chicken wings are really just mini chicken tenders ... but restaurant-goers continue to live in a fantasy. He's got some alternative names in mind -- and they're not half bad. BTW, the dude is dead serious here ... or so it seems.
Laugh if you must, but don't clip this guy's wings just yet ... clipping the name will do just fine.