President Trump Confronted by Black Voters Over Medical Care, Race at Town Hall
President Trump Black Voters Go After Him at Town Hall

President Trump got grilled by voters who identify as undecided, and it was a far cry from his rallies as several of them held his feet to the fire on issues like healthcare and systemic racism ... and didn't back down.
The Prez was challenged with many tough questions at an ABC News town hall in Philadelphia Tuesday night ... in particular 2 undecided voters.
Assistant Professor Ellesia Blaque told Trump how she has struggled with a preexisting medical condition all her life, adding it's especially difficult for her as a black woman to get adequate medical care. Trump tried to interrupt her but she wasn't having it and shut him down.
Trump predictably went after Obama and spewed a couple of lies about the Affordable Care Act ... but it didn't go unchecked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos. Like we said -- this was no Trump rally.
Then there was Pastor Carl Day, who called Trump out over his campaign slogan -- "Make America Great Again." Day asked Trump when American has ever been great for African-Americans living in the ghetto ... and if he was aware how tone-deaf MAGA comes off to the Black community.