Charles Barkley Says Tim Tebow's NFL Comeback Is 'Impossible,' Not Gonna Work Out!
Charles Barkley Tebow's NFL Return Is 'Impossible' ... Not Gonna Work Out!!!

Tim Tebow's gonna need a miracle to make it in his NFL comeback ... so says Charles Barkley, who thinks it'll be "impossible" for the former quarterback to switch to tight end.
Chuck gave his honest opinion about the 33-year-old signing with the Jacksonville Jaguars with "Waddle and Silvy" on ESPN Chicago this week ... saying he likes Tebow as a person, but has serious doubts about his chances at making a real impact on the field.
"I think it's going to be very difficult for him to just pick up football, another position," Barkley said.
"Tim's such a good dude, but you know, a lot of people don't like Tim because his religion. He wears it on his sleeve. I don't care about that. I like the kid, but I don't think he can just come pick up another position."
TEBOW TIME🏈👀 | News4Jax spotted Tim Tebow walking from the Jaguars stadium to the practice fields wearing a #85 jersey this morning. WJXT4 Scott Johnson has the first glimpse at noon.
— News4JAX (@wjxt4) May 20, 2021 @wjxt4
Of course, Barkley has been outspoken about his hatred for the media frenzy that always surrounds the former Heisman winner -- he once admitted to being "Tebowed out" -- but regardless, the Hall of Famer thinks this is just too big of a challenge for Tebow.
"I think he'll just be disrespectful to jocks saying, 'Oh I haven't played football, but I can come and be a pro at it.' I just think that's impossible, personally," he said.
"Michael Jordan tried, he tried to play baseball. You can't just go play a pro sport."
There's more -- Barkley gives his thoughts about Aaron Rodgers' drama with the Green Bay Packers ... and yep, he's tired of hearing about it all the time, too.