Andrea Constand 'Shocked, Disgusted' Over Cosby Prison Release
Andrea Constand 'Shocked, Disgusted' By Cosby Release 'But it Was Worth It'

Andrea Constand is breaking her silence over the release of Bill Cosby -- and her first reaction is utter disgust over what she calls a screwed-up criminal justice system.
She spoke to NBC in an exclusive sit-down -- the first she's given since Cosby was sprung from prison 2 months ago -- and makes it pretty clear ... she's not happy about him getting to walk free over a deal he struck years ago, which the State Supreme Court honored.
Constand calls it a "back door deal" that she can't believe the court honored and the D.A. should've considered pursuing charges against BC anew ... saying she's shocked and disappointed.

As for the man himself ... Constand says she finds the fact that he's roaming free horrid, because there was enough there to put him away based on her testimony -- evidenced in the conviction itself. With that said, she says she doesn't regret anything ... even now. She says it was worth it.
She goes on to label him a "violent predator" who's been let back into society, and says anyone giving him a platform oughta be ashamed. Constand notes Cosby hasn't shown remorse, which he himself has said he won't do -- ever since first being locked up in 2018.
In the end, Constand says she'll continue working on issues like these wherever she's needed, to force true change. Cosby, meanwhile, has maintained his innocence throughout.