Deion Sanders Back At Practice 1 Day After Surgery To Fix Foot Injury
Deion Sanders Back At Practice ... 1 Day After Surgery

11:49 AM PT -- 9/23 -- Prime wasted no time getting back to his job ... hitting up Jackson State practice ONE DAY after going under the knife!!
Sanders posted vids of his return to work on Thursday ... showing the legend riding around in a golf cart as players run drills.
Sanders even shared footage of his journey back into the office ... crutching his way to his desk before taking a seat.
Welcome back, Coach!!

Deion Sanders is hitting the operating table ... undergoing surgery to fix a foot that's been completely jacked up for YEARS.
The Hall of Famer and current Jackson State football head coach's doctor explained the reason for the procedure just before Sanders went under the knife Wednesday ... and the injury sounds horrific.
Sanders' doc said Deion's "second toe is dislocated" ... and it's been that way since perhaps Sanders' football-playing days.
"You've been dealing with this for a long time," the doctor said, "and it's just gotten worse."
Sanders' doc then described what the surgery will entail -- and it, too, sounds terrifying!
"She's going to shorten that second toe a little bit by cutting through the bone," the doctor said, "kind of reattaching it, lengthening one of the tendons and then straightening out your first toe to give you more room for that second toe."
Sanders didn't seem concerned at all, though ... and was all smiles right before the anesthesia kicked in.
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While Sanders is expected to be on a scooter for the next six weeks while the foot heals -- he's expected to make a full recovery.
Get well soon, Prime!
Originally Published -- 9/22 9:28 AM PT