Nurse Shark Attacks Snorkeler Who Cleans Wound and Jumps Back in Ocean in Maldives
Shark Attack Nurse-on-Nurse Violence!!! Nurse Shark Attacks Nurse

So, what ever happened to professional courtesy?
Carmen Canovas Cervello, yes, a nurse, was snorkeling in the Maldives when a 220-lb, 8-foot-long nurse shark attacked her and left a gnarly, 6-inch wound as a souvenir.
The video is crazy ... you see the shark circle her before it sinks its chompers in the snorkeler, right in her shoulder and upper back.
So that's actually not the craziest part ... Cervello goes to shore, gets the wound cleaned, and jumps back in the ocean for a second swim!!!
Her friend, Ibrahim Shafeeg, an underwater photog, is the one who shot the footage. No excuse to miss a shot!
BTW ... they knew these waters were shark-infested but, hey, you take your chances. Fact is, most nurse sharks don't pose a danger, unless they're provoked.
These are vacation vids that won't bore their friends.