Bo Jackson Says He's Had Hiccups Since July, Doctors Don't Know Why
Bo Jackson I've Had Hiccups Since Last July ... I Don't Know Why!!!

Hiccups suck. Now, imagine having them for a year.
That's exactly what the legendary Bo Jackson says he's been dealing with since July, and no one knows why, or how to get rid of them.
Yes, this is serious. The 60-year-old made the revelation Wednesday while on a local radio show, "McElroy and Cubelic in the Morning," when Jackson was asked how it felt to see Auburn Tigers alumnus, Frank Thomas, receive a baseball statue outside the stadium last month.
"I wasn't there because I've been dealing with hiccups," the former Tigers superstar athlete said. "I've had the hiccups since last July."
The Frank Thomas statue is unveiled
— Bryan Matthews (@BMattAU) April 8, 2023 @BMattAU
Jackson -- who played with Thomas on the Chicago White Sox in the 90s -- says he's been trying everything to stop the hiccups ... including smelling a porcupine's behind.
"I have done everything," Jackson said. "Scare me, drink water upside down, smell an ass of a porcupine. It doesn't work!"
Funny ... but also, it sounds like an awful thing to deal with.
Jackson said doctors have been doing everything they can to figure out what the hell is causing the constant hiccupping ... and Bo says he's supposed to be getting a procedure done this week.
"I'm busy at the hospital, sitting up with doctors, poking me and shining lights down my throat and probing me every way they can to find out why I got these hiccups."
"So that's the only reason that I wasn't there."