Trump Says Taylor Swift Is 'Unusually Beautiful,' Bemoans Her Being Liberal
Donald Trump T-Swift is 'Unusually Beautiful' ... Bemoans Her Being Liberal
Donald Trump clearly isn't afraid of Swifties ... expressing a fearless stance on Taylor Swift's physical appearance and political beliefs -- which seem to have the guy conflicted.
The ex-Prez discussed the pop star with Variety Co-Editor-in-Chief Ramin Setoodeh for his new book, "Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass" -- and DT had nothing but kind words ... for Taylor's looks.
In the interview, which took place in November, Trump noted ... "I think she’s beautiful -- very beautiful! I find her very beautiful. I think she’s liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I hear she’s very talented. I think she’s very beautiful, actually -- unusually beautiful!"
In case you forgot how to count -- that's 5 "beautifuls." And if you ask us, objectifying Taylor is kinda asking for bad blood with Swifties ... and they're a bunch you don't wanna cross.
FWIW, Taylor was initially pegged as a conservative early in her career due to her past apolitical persona, but she notably spoke out in support of the Democratic Party in 2018 -- endorsing Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper for the Senate and House of Representatives.
She then endorsed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election -- so her political leanings are clear. That's got Trump all torn up BTW ... he hates it.
In this interview, Trump questions whether Taylor is truly a liberal ... wondering if it's "an act." He adds ... "She’s legitimately liberal? It’s not an act? It surprises me that a country star can be successful being liberal."
Even though Taylor has backed Biden before, she has yet to speak out in favor of one candidate over another this election cycle. A blue endorsement is likely coming though.

In the meantime, Trump has nabbed a number of celebrity endorsements himself, including Amber Rose, Dennis Quaid, Kelsey Grammer, etc. Don't bank on T-Swift being MAGA.