TMZ Live -- Your Costume Might Get You a Halloween Beatdown
TMZ Live Your Costume Might Get You a Halloween Beatdown
(2:30) Took only two minutes for Brian's first offensive joke of the day!
(7:10) Dr. Conrad Murray turns on the waterworks today during the trial -- did he gain any sympathy from the jurors?
(15:34) A new campaign attempts to stop racist Halloween costumes -- so what is really over the line?
(22:05) Time warp back to 1995 -- when Charles wore a really offensive costume ... but was rewarded for it!
(32:00) D.L. Hughley is on the phone! He thinks people in America are "way, way too sensitive."
(33:30) How do you know when your outfit is too offensive? Hughley says it when you get your ass kicked. Makes sense.
(49:10) So ... Harvey visited the Motown studio where tons of hits were recorded ... and decided to sing a classic while there. Let the ribbing begin!