Rick Fox Called League Of Legends Becoming Bigger Than NHL
Rick Fox I Told You So ... League of Legends Is Bigger Than NHL

Rick Fox is serving up a big "I Told You So" to anyone who balked at his prediction League of Legends would outgrow the NHL ... and says their recent historic sell out of Staples Center is proof he was right.
We had talked to Fox a little while ago at LAX (guy flies more than Superman) and he'd told us he thinks eSports has a chance to pass the NHL as the nation's fourth sport.
Some balked at the idea ... but that was before the recent League of Legends championships sold out Staples center in an incredible 45 minutes and drew 36 million viewers ... something that doesn't happen in the NHL.
When we got Fox -- who, of course, owns an eSports team -- at LAX ... it was time for the 3 time champion to win another ring ... at gloating.