O.J. Simpson Fakes Paparazzi Shot to Make Vegas Massacre Reaction Video
O.J. Simpson Fakes Paparazzi Shot To Make Vegas Massacre Reaction Vid

O.J. Simpson staged a paparazzi run-in with a photog Wednesday night so he could make (and possibly sell) a video commenting on the Vegas massacre.
Simpson was having dinner at a posh Vegas country club where our photog overheard him planning a TMZ-style video shoot. He was going over the shoot with the people at his table.
When he got to the parking lot, it was lights, camera action and O.J. offered up his "thoughts and prayers" while his friend recorded.
Our photog fired up his camera to ask some questions, but apparently that really screwed things up. O.J.'s photog tries to run our guy out of the shot, but Simpson realized his plan had been foiled and beelined it for his car.
The situation is almost identical to the paparazzi "run-in" at a Nevada gas station after O.J. was released -- when Simpson acted shocked someone had found him in the middle of the desert, yet still gabbed away.
It all begs the question ... is O.J. getting paid for the pap shots? How much? And will the money get to the families of the people he killed? And, if Simpson's taking money under the table, that could violate federal tax law and O.J. could go back to the big house.