Oscar De La Hoya Doubles Down On Conor McGregor Threat, 'Don't I Look Ready?'
Oscar De La Hoya Doubles Down On McGregor Threat ... 'Don't I Look Ready?'

Hey, Conor McGregor ... Oscar De La Hoya says he ain't screwing around -- he really wants to beat your face in and says he's in shape to do it NOW.
We got ODLH leaving the Guns N' Roses concert at Staples Center the other night and asked him if he's serious about his challenge to McGregor -- and more importantly, if he's in the shape to do it.
That's when the 44-year-old playfully scolded us for even asking the question, "Do you not see me that I'm in shape?!"
Then he busted out (and kinda botched) a GNR lyric to make his point.