Dan Crenshaw Says Pete Davidson Making Fun of Veterans' War Injuries on 'SNL' Not Funny
SNL's Pete Davidson Tip from Dan Crenshaw Making Fun of Vets' War Injuries Not Funny

Pete Davidson and 'SNL' don't owe GOP congressional candidate, Dan Crenshaw, a mea culpa for making a crack about his war-caused disability ... but SNL needs a lesson on humor.
We spoke with Dan -- who's running for an open seat in Texas' second congressional district -- and, somewhat surprisingly, he shoots down the idea that Pete and co. must issue an apology to him because they made an insensitive joke about his eyepatch.
If you missed it, Pete did a bit on 'Weekend Update' where he gave his first impressions on some of the candidates running for office in the midterms elections, most of whom were Republican. He joked Crenshaw looked like a hitman from a porno, and said of his injury ... "I know he lost his eye in war or whatever ... whatever." The remark caught tons of backlash.
One person who's not outraged is Dan, who tells us he wants society to get away from the culture of apology-demanding every time someone misspeaks.
Check out his take -- it's quite nuanced, and he's definitely taking the high road. He also has some advice on 'SNL' political comedy in general. Take note, Lorne Michaels.