Ben Shapiro Says Pete Davidson/Dan Crenshaw on 'SNL' Best Political Moment in Years
Ben Shapiro Pete Davidson 'SNL' Apology to Dan Crenshaw Best Political Moment in Years

Conservative talk show host Ben Shapiro says Pete Davidson's apology to Dan Crenshaw was the best political moment he's seen in years ... because it shows a level of civility that has been forgotten in America.
We got Ben Sunday at LAX, and he praised the apology skit to the skies, saying it's a shining light of how liberals and conservatives can disagree but treat each other with a level of civility.
Fact is ... it was an amazing moment on 'SNL,' with Pete apologizing and then the Congressman-elect coming at him with some hilarious jokes. Dan waded in treacherous waters by raising the super sensitive subject of Ariana Grande -- so funny.
The one controversial thing ... when Dan said rather than telling veterans, "Thank you for your service," he said people should say, "Never forget." That's a phrase that has been used to remember the Holocaust.
One thing we're guessing everyone can agree on ... Dan's comedic timing is frickin' amazing!