Mama June Continues to Push Family Away, They Fear for the Worst
Mama June No Signs of Improvement Family Fears the Worst
Mama June continues to push her family away -- at times going totally off the radar -- and they feel things are getting to the point of no return.
Family sources tell TMZ June has been in and out of communication with her loved ones over the last few weeks ... bouncing from hotel to hotel. She most recently made an appearance -- though brief and angry -- at an Alabama courthouse.

We're told June will still text with her daughters here and there but mostly remains out of the picture. We're told the family is deeply concerned for her health and has offered to get her help many times.
June's family members have made it a routine to drive around and check up on where she's staying and use her SUV as a landmark for whatever hotel she might crash at.
Back in September, we're told June's family hadn't heard from her in over a week. They became so concerned for her safety, they called the cops to go and check on her.
Law enforcement sources tell us officers responded to the hotel June was holed up at in Georgia and her boyfriend, Geno Doak, answered the door. We're told June eventually came to the door as well and proved she was just fine.

Our sources say June's family members fear she's reaching a point of no return ... and Geno's only making things worse.
June recently pled not guilty in her crack cocaine case and is awaiting a future court date.