NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Check Out this New Ventilator ... At a Fraction of the Cost

Desperate situations require desperate measures ... and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo just unveiled a new, albeit crude, ventilator that may fit the bill, but he says it's "an unacceptable situation."
The Guv held his daily news conference Saturday, and demonstrated how the device -- called a Bag Valve Mask -- would work. Regular squeezes could keep a patient alive. Problem is ... you need someone to squeeze it 24/7. Cuomo made it clear ... he prays it won't come to this.
Cuomo also revealed an insane problem over ventilators. The cost when the pandemic began was $25,000 a pop. Now it's closer to $45k, because the various states are bidding against each other to snag the equipment. Bidding wars, Cuomo says, in the middle of a pandemic, are ridiculous.
As for New York, Cuomo says the feds have shipped 4,000 ventilators but none are in use yet ... he says they need the equipment because the spread of the virus will get a lot worse before it gets better ... and NY hospitals are already pushed to the limit.
We'll say it one more time ... if this happened 6 months earlier, Cuomo could have ended up the hands-down fav to challenge Trump.